“ Flowchem Process Equipments has fully computerized design office with latest software and can undertake Thermal & Mechanical Design to comply with International Codes & standards. FPE is dedicated to design & manufacture Heat Exchangers for:
We manufacture Pressure Vessels which are best suitable for various applications like Gas storage, Water treatment plants, Refrigeration & Cryogenic applications, Shipping industrues...
FLOWCHEM PROCESS EQUIPMENTS, a manufacturer of Process Equipments has now established an international bench mark facility for manufacturing Industrial Process Equipments. We are authorized by THE ASME to design and Fabricate Pressure vessels with U Stamp Certification, and also certified by National Board to alter and repair the coded jobs with R Stamp Certification. Our Quality Management system is also certified with ISO 9001:2008 by UKAS Management systems. The Process Equipments are manufactured in accordance with ASME code Section VIII, Div. 1.
At Flowchem, the entire team is committed to provide the best in the industry with continuous up gradation of quality measures for customer satisfaction by accessing their need in depth, be it timely supply or service for domestic as well as export shipments.
FPE was the result of the conscious and dedicated efforts of a team of committed Engineers and Promoters – Directors of Flowchem Industries (FCI). As experienced of over three decades in the field of design and manufacturing was instrumental in its upbringing. Today, FCI as well as FPE stands proudly as one of the leading manufacturers of high quality engineering products.
FLOWCHEM PROCESS EQUIPMENTS, a manufacturer of Process Equipments has now established an international bench mark facility for manufacturing Industrial Process Equipments.
Flowchem Process Equipments are used for Evaporation, Crystallization, Sulphonation, Distillation, Condensation, Filtration, Condensation, Nitration and other processes involving pressure application.
"Oil industry"
" Heating industry"
"Chemical industries"
Flowchem Process Equipments is a complete facility to design (Thermal and Mechanical) and manufactures complete range of process equipments. The manufacturing facility is well supported by in house design facility equipped with latest softwares & design codes and welding development department to establish manufacturing process for any new material.
With the combination of large shop floor area, basic facilitiies such as seamless gas and power supply, state of the art coating facilities, efficient and qualified man power at both the shop floor and back office operations, FPE has got the most favorable infrastructure as far as manufacturing of process equipments are concerned.
To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical...